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Hello April!!

Spring is here! Time for the Breathe Easy Challenge
  • Do you have trouble breathing when the seasons change?
  • Are you constantly battling stuffy sinuses?
  • Do you want your home to be a safe haven for others?
  • Do you suffer from headaches?
  • Do you feel constantly congested?
  • Do you have chronic skin issues?
  • Do you struggle with brain fog?
  • Do you find your chest tightening and your airways feeling restricted?
Fragrances may be your culprit, and we can help! In April we're inviting you to join us for a special but very simple Breathe Diffuser Challenge to invest in the well-being of your home during this spring season! Whether you are running through fields of wildflowers with abandon, waiting for the snow to melt, or huddled in a corner sneezing through boxes of tissues, we have tools for you! One of our most-loved, powerful oil trios is Lavender, Lemon & Peppermint, and it's about to become the terrific trio you didn't know you needed to come to your rescue! This challenge is so easy!!!

Spring Refresh

Cool breezes and sunshine-filled days, brings the promise of spring, of renewal and a fresh spirit. After a long winter, we are ready for a little spring refresh ourselves! Join us as we use these items this month and beyond to freshen our spaces, our spirits and our health!

If you place a qualifying order for the following PV, these promotional items will automatically be placed in your order for free.

Click the button below to learn more about how you can use these gifts.

Click the button below to set up or modify your Loyalty Rewards order to take advantage of this month's gifts.

Save when you spend, with loyalty rewards

If you don't know what to put in your monthly wellness box to get those FREE gifts with purchase, here are some ideas...


Did you know we have 2 places for online education! 

Gettin' To Livin' Tribe

Facebook Group

An amazing FB community with thousands of oilers and YL product users sharing experiences. Ask you questions and learn from other members of our group. The Guides section is full of organized product education!

Member Area Education Website

Our team education area off social media
We also have a space OFF social media where you can ask questions, search for answers to questions and browse our educational resources on your own time!

Go to the member area discussion room, see the pinned post to be entered in our monthly member giveaway!