hello february

This month some Young Living friends & I are doing a Happy Hearts Challenge. I love this because it is a great easy way to use things you may already have on hand in a way you didn't know you could. Or get 1 oil and improve your day-to-day situation.

Here are the details, it's so easy...just intentionally diffuse Bergamot this month!

Product Spotlight

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot is a household staple oil for so many things! The crisp, citrusy aroma is uplifting and harmonizing, and it makes a wonderful addition to DIYs and diffuser blends. This oil is one we love to have around! 


  • Has a zesty citrus flavor that's great in diffuser blends, recipes, and DIYs
  • Uplifts the emotions and senses
  • Contains antioxidants that help support a healthy lifestyle
  • Helps support the cardiovascular system
  • Is a wonderful choice for combating oily skin
Bergamot essential oil has been studied for its properties to lower cortisol (stress hormone) and to lower the body's sympathetic nervous response (fight/flight/freeze), making this a wonderful oil for emotional support! 


Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, and emotions, cleansing the air, and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time. This is hands down one of the easiest health habits you can start! And I have you covered right here with everything you need to know. Tap the button below. 

The Happy Hearts Challenge 
 a diffuser challenge for emotional strength!

During the month of February
I'm inviting you to join me for a special but very simple Happy Hearts Diffuser Challenge to invest in the well-being of your home during this winter season! Whether your heart is exploding with hearts and roses, or you're in a season of sadness and looking for hope, we have tools for you! One of our most-loved, uplifting oils is Bergamot, and it's about to become your new best friend! This challenge is so easy!

If you place a qualifying order for the following PV, these promotional items will automatically be placed in your order for free.

I'm excited to get my son his favorite lotion for his hands for free this month! Lushious Lemon 🍋

Do you work on a computer all day? Do you use your phone all the time? You need Illumineyes to protect your eyesight. Click here to learn more.

Click the button below to learn more & set up or modify your order to take advantage of this month's gifts.

Remember you can hit the reply button if you need any help along the way.


  • 4 drops Bergamot
  • 5 drops Grapefruit
  • 3 drops Clary Sage
  • 2 drops Vanilla
Did you know we have 2 places for online education! 
An amazing FB community with thousands of oilers and YL product users sharing experiences.

We also have a space OFF social media where you can ask questions, search for answers to questions and browse our educational resources on your own time!

When you go to the member area this month, you will be entered in our monthly member giveaway!

Join our FREE Exclusive Member Area!!
Click below!!