Sulfurzyme is a unique combination of MSM (the protein-building compound found in breast milk, fresh fruits and vegetables) and Ningxia wolfberry. Together, they create a new concept in balancing the immune system and supporting almost every major function of the body. MSM has the ability to equalize water inside the cells, which is a considerable benefit for those needing joint support. - excerpt from the Essential Oil Desk Reference, Life Science

If you have skin, hair, nails, or joints (and we hope you do), you are likely not getting enough of this compound. Weak and brittle nails, hair that doesn't grow or isn't healthy, joints that are painful, and skin issues can all be giant billboard signs telling you that you need more nutrition in this area. Skin that is ultra sensitive to the topical use of oils can be another telltale sign. This one supplement can do so much to help you benefit from everything else you are doing with your oils to increase your health.

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