Stress-less summer? It's possible, friend!

Summertime is full of fun activities but do your best to not overschedule yourself. If you’re taking a trip, don’t wait until the last minute to pack. If you’re throwing a party, take it easy on yourself and make it a potluck. The less pressure you put on yourself, the less stressed you’ll be in the long run. Check out 5 tips to avoid overwhelm...

Summertime: super fun or super overwhelming?

Summer can be one of the best, most fun times of the year, and it can also be one of the most overwhelming times. We hear a lot of talk about the slow, relaxing days of summer, and that’s true to an extent, but when you have young kids, a job, and a life, summer can feel anything but slow.

Summertime living is easy — or so it seems. Between planning vacations and ball games, trying to get things done at work, and packing your days full of fun activities, the summer can be more chaotic than carefree.