Can stress cause extreme fatigue?

Friend, does this sound too familiar? 

  • You wake up and are unable to function without a significant amount of caffeine.
  • You finally feel a boost of energy during the early part of the day.
  • Then your energy levels crash around 2 p.m., rise around 6 p.m., and fall again around 9 p.m.
Can stress cause extreme fatigue? Yes, it absolutely can....


My Fave Way To Increase Energy

As I mentioned last week, I'm so excited to share my absolute favorite way to increase energy....especially at that 2:30 pm midday slump!

Two words: Ningxia Red

You may have heard me talk about this red juice with the funny name before but have you really taken the time to take a look at the benefits of this super juice? It's unlike ANY juice on the market. I like to call it "Ninja Juice" because of the Ninja powers I feel after drinking it. Kidding...kind of. 

To fully understand its amazingness we have to talk about the Ningxia Wolfberry. It's basically a vitamin capsule in the form of a fruit. Over 15 percent protein by weight, the wolfberry contains over 21 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and substantial amounts of chromium. Levels of vitamins such as thiamin (vitamin B1), niacin (vitamin B3), and vitamin C are extraordinarily high.

Ningxia Wolfberry Nutrient Summary

67 times the thiamin (vitamin B1) of brown rice
2 times the niacin (vitamin B3) of baker's yeast
3 times the vitamin C of raw oranges
5 times the calcium of raw cauliflower
2 times the beta carotene of raw spinach

Highest Known Source in Vitamins B1 and B3

The Ningxia wolfberry is the richest known whole food source of natural vitamin B1 or thiamin. Thiamin is essential for proper energy production, carbohydrate metabolism, and thyroid function. Thiamin deficiencies can result in impaired carbohydrate burning and a decline in the energy hormone thyrotropin. The wolfberry also has 100 times the niacin (vitamin B3) as oat bran. -"Ningxia Wolfberry the Ultimate Superfood"

I've only scratched the surface of the benefits of Ningxia Red. It's truly so much more than increased energy. To dig a little deeper into Ningxia Red, click the picture below: All About Ningxia Red!

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Exhausted?? Let's talk about it.

See ya later March and hello April! 

Exhausted? Not sleeping well? Hitting those afternoon slumps? This month I am talking all things energy, stress, and sleep!!

Today, I am going to dive deep into four ways to boost energy levels--naturally

If you’ve been dragging lately, it could be that you’re not getting enough vitamin B12. Along with the other B vitamins, B12 is known for its ability to keep you alert and feeling energized. Vitamin B12 keeps your nerves and red blood cells healthy. It is responsible for the smooth functioning of several critical body processes. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 is usually reported with symptoms of fatigue. 

Deficiency in the complex of B Vitamins can result in fatigue, neuropathy, irregular heartbeat, edema (swelling), confusion, short term memory loss, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, skin disorders, hair loss, sore throat, anemia, cataracts, reproductive problems, gastrointestinal issues, depression, headache, shortness of breath, and an array of neurological problems.


Why is the B vitamin so amazing? Take a look at all the ways the B Vitamin supports our bodies: boosts energy level, reduces depression, helps metabolize protein, good for brain health, good for the digestive system, promotes healthy skin hair and nails, helps with cholesterol, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and helps prevent strokes.

I have two more sneaky benefits of B vitamins you may not have heard of before... 

1) Are you prone to canker sores? There's research that this could be a deficiency of Vitamin B.
2) Do mosquitoes LOVE you? Mosquitoes don’t like vitamin B in our blood.

My favorite B vitamin:  SUPER B... Serious game-changer here!! 

Super B is a comprehensive vitamin complex containing all eight essential, energy-boosting B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12). It features Orgen-FA, a natural folate source derived from lemon peels, and methylcobalamin, a more bioavailable source of B12. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, Super B assists in maintaining healthy energy levels and supports mood and cardiovascular and cognitive function.

Did you know when supplements and oils are combined, the bioavailability (how much your body actually absorbs) skyrockets up to 60-80%?? Supplements you buy in the stores are 15-30%. This is why I choose YL supplements. I'm not wasting my money on supplements that I just pee right out. ;)

Make sure you subscribe to catch my next blog post in this energy series!